Hewlett Packard (HP) on Thursday launched 10.1 inch, Windows 8Pro HP tablet ElitePad 900 with the price beginning at Rs.43,500. With this HP making its debut in the tablet market in India.
The ultra-thin, lightweight tablet which is designed for corporate is equally useful for the general users. The tablet comes with a 10.1 inch display with a resolution of 1280 x800 pixels. It runs on Windows 8 Pro and is powered by a 1.8GHz Intel Atom dual core processor and with 2GB RAM. It has an 8MP rear camera along with a 1080p front facing video camera.
It has got a battery that can last eight hours but with expanded battery it can be used for 19 hours. The other features of the 0.63 kg and 9.2 mm thin tablet include 10.1 inch diagonal display and e-printing. The integrated battery pack is priced at Rs 6,999.
It Weighs 0.63 kg, and is 9.2 mm thin. The tablet is available in two variants - 32GB and 64GB.
The 16-by-10 aspect ratio is said to maximise the display area. The HP ElitePad uses CNC-machined aluminum and Corning Gorilla Glass 2.
The tablet has a 1080p front-facing video camera and an 8 megapixel rear camera with an LED flash. The camera also includes CyberLink YouCam software.
The tablet has HP ElitePad Smart Jackets, which offer connectivity options and an additional ultra-slim battery for longer runtime, along with specific add-ons that customise the tablet for specialized uses.
Source : Telecomtiger.com
The ultra-thin, lightweight tablet which is designed for corporate is equally useful for the general users. The tablet comes with a 10.1 inch display with a resolution of 1280 x800 pixels. It runs on Windows 8 Pro and is powered by a 1.8GHz Intel Atom dual core processor and with 2GB RAM. It has an 8MP rear camera along with a 1080p front facing video camera.
It has got a battery that can last eight hours but with expanded battery it can be used for 19 hours. The other features of the 0.63 kg and 9.2 mm thin tablet include 10.1 inch diagonal display and e-printing. The integrated battery pack is priced at Rs 6,999.
It Weighs 0.63 kg, and is 9.2 mm thin. The tablet is available in two variants - 32GB and 64GB.
The 16-by-10 aspect ratio is said to maximise the display area. The HP ElitePad uses CNC-machined aluminum and Corning Gorilla Glass 2.
The tablet has a 1080p front-facing video camera and an 8 megapixel rear camera with an LED flash. The camera also includes CyberLink YouCam software.
The tablet has HP ElitePad Smart Jackets, which offer connectivity options and an additional ultra-slim battery for longer runtime, along with specific add-ons that customise the tablet for specialized uses.
Source : Telecomtiger.com
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