Electronics were a big hit at Christmas, whether it was the new iPhone 4S or Kindle Fire. It raises the question: what to do with those old dinosaurs now just lying around in some junk drawer?
Action News learned this is the biggest week of the year for dumping electronics. It's a practice that can be harmful.A lot of people make the mistake of dropping them in the dumpster.
In the Tri-Cities, there are two recycling centers where they "e-cycle" the old parts to make newer models. Most shoppers we talked with didn't think about old electronics buried in landfills. Their harmful chemicals can seep into the soil and water system.
"It's a real big deal especially older electronics you know are made with a lot of hazardous material like TVs and such. So, I think it's really important that we don't contaminate our local environment," says one shopper, Don Jecha.
A lot of shoppers also said they choose not to recycle their electronics. They sell them on Craigslist or Ebay instead. You can find a link to the recycling centers in newslinks.
Source: KeprTV
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